Fotodiox Pro LED-312DS

On Camera

1 x LED-312DS Dimmable/Color Adjustable Unit (3200-5600k)
1 x 2x 2200mAH f/ NP-F550 7.4V Battery Packs
1 x Removable Collapsible Barndoor Attachment
1 x Removable Slide-In Diffusion Panell
1 x 100-240v Worldwide Travel Charger

– 3200-5600k Color Temperature Rating; Color Index Rating ≥ 92
– Top, Bottom and Side Dovetail Mounts and 1/4″-20 Female Thread Mount
– 10-100% Power Dimmer Dial; Built-in Battery Life Indicator Light
– Mount for Sony L-Series Batteries; Magnetic ‚Snap-On‘ Diffusion & Tungsten Panels

Tag | 15,00 €
Woche | 60,00 €

rental, Kameraverleih, Dortmund, NRW, Deutschland ,RED Digital Cinema, RED Dragon-X, RED Komodo-X, Sony FX6, Sony FX9, Sony FX3, Lichtverleih, Tonverleih, Drehequipment, professional, Filmproduktion, Fernsehproduktion, VOX, RTL, WDR, filmproduction, filmmaker, Imagefilme, Recruiting, Werbefilme, Dokumentation, Dokumentarfilm, Film, Animationen, SFX, VFX, Objektive, Kamera, Gimbal, Live, Events, Eventfilm, Produktfilme, MID49, Bright Tangerine, Pantherdolly, Kameramann, Director of Photography, Camera Operator, Freelancer, Filmmaker, Handwerk, Solide, Agenturen, color grading, resolve, Bundesliga, TV-Show, Reportage, Musikvideo, Commercial, Pitch, Doku-Soap, Reality-Show
rental, Kameraverleih, Dortmund, NRW, Deutschland ,RED Digital Cinema, RED Dragon-X, RED Komodo-X, Sony FX6, Sony FX9, Sony FX3, Lichtverleih, Tonverleih, Drehequipment, professional, Filmproduktion, Fernsehproduktion, VOX, RTL, WDR, filmproduction, filmmaker, Imagefilme, Recruiting, Werbefilme, Dokumentation, Dokumentarfilm, Film, Animationen, SFX, VFX, Objektive, Kamera, Gimbal, Live, Events, Eventfilm, Produktfilme, MID49, Bright Tangerine, Pantherdolly, Kameramann, Director of Photography, Camera Operator, Freelancer, Filmmaker, Handwerk, Solide, Agenturen, color grading, resolve, Bundesliga, TV-Show, Reportage, Musikvideo, Commercial, Pitch, Doku-Soap, Reality-Show
rental, Kameraverleih, Dortmund, NRW, Deutschland ,RED Digital Cinema, RED Dragon-X, RED Komodo-X, Sony FX6, Sony FX9, Sony FX3, Lichtverleih, Tonverleih, Drehequipment, professional, Filmproduktion, Fernsehproduktion, VOX, RTL, WDR, filmproduction, filmmaker, Imagefilme, Recruiting, Werbefilme, Dokumentation, Dokumentarfilm, Film, Animationen, SFX, VFX, Objektive, Kamera, Gimbal, Live, Events, Eventfilm, Produktfilme, MID49, Bright Tangerine, Pantherdolly, Kameramann, Director of Photography, Camera Operator, Freelancer, Filmmaker, Handwerk, Solide, Agenturen, color grading, resolve, Bundesliga, TV-Show, Reportage, Musikvideo, Commercial, Pitch, Doku-Soap, Reality-Show
rental, Kameraverleih, Dortmund, NRW, Deutschland ,RED Digital Cinema, RED Dragon-X, RED Komodo-X, Sony FX6, Sony FX9, Sony FX3, Lichtverleih, Tonverleih, Drehequipment, professional, Filmproduktion, Fernsehproduktion, VOX, RTL, WDR, filmproduction, filmmaker, Imagefilme, Recruiting, Werbefilme, Dokumentation, Dokumentarfilm, Film, Animationen, SFX, VFX, Objektive, Kamera, Gimbal, Live, Events, Eventfilm, Produktfilme, MID49, Bright Tangerine, Pantherdolly, Kameramann, Director of Photography, Camera Operator, Freelancer, Filmmaker, Handwerk, Solide, Agenturen, color grading, resolve, Bundesliga, TV-Show, Reportage, Musikvideo, Commercial, Pitch, Doku-Soap, Reality-Show
rental, Kameraverleih, Dortmund, NRW, Deutschland ,RED Digital Cinema, RED Dragon-X, RED Komodo-X, Sony FX6, Sony FX9, Sony FX3, Lichtverleih, Tonverleih, Drehequipment, professional, Filmproduktion, Fernsehproduktion, VOX, RTL, WDR, filmproduction, filmmaker, Imagefilme, Recruiting, Werbefilme, Dokumentation, Dokumentarfilm, Film, Animationen, SFX, VFX, Objektive, Kamera, Gimbal, Live, Events, Eventfilm, Produktfilme, MID49, Bright Tangerine, Pantherdolly, Kameramann, Director of Photography, Camera Operator, Freelancer, Filmmaker, Handwerk, Solide, Agenturen, color grading, resolve, Bundesliga, TV-Show, Reportage, Musikvideo, Commercial, Pitch, Doku-Soap, Reality-Show
rental, Kameraverleih, Dortmund, NRW, Deutschland ,RED Digital Cinema, RED Dragon-X, RED Komodo-X, Sony FX6, Sony FX9, Sony FX3, Lichtverleih, Tonverleih, Drehequipment, professional, Filmproduktion, Fernsehproduktion, VOX, RTL, WDR, filmproduction, filmmaker, Imagefilme, Recruiting, Werbefilme, Dokumentation, Dokumentarfilm, Film, Animationen, SFX, VFX, Objektive, Kamera, Gimbal, Live, Events, Eventfilm, Produktfilme, MID49, Bright Tangerine, Pantherdolly, Kameramann, Director of Photography, Camera Operator, Freelancer, Filmmaker, Handwerk, Solide, Agenturen, color grading, resolve, Bundesliga, TV-Show, Reportage, Musikvideo, Commercial, Pitch, Doku-Soap, Reality-Show